How to buying in Yiwu? There are more than 800,000 consumers over the world coming to? Yiwu china. How to acquire in Yiwu market?
Is it related: To do organization in Yiwu?
Yiwu market is the largest small product wholesale market worldwide. It is famous for a low price and well-known for crap quality in the past. Visitors are still puzzled about how to acquire in this “substantial” Yiwu market.
Here is one example: Adelaide is from the United States, which represents a large company and prepares to source some products in Yiwu. Before she came, she believed that the Yiwu market is something like a reasonable or trade exhibit. She can easily import directly from sellers there. She was greatly dissatisfied to found out that 90% of suppliers in the market are not all set to export directly. They do not have export licenses do not understand anything about FOB rate, and most of them even can’t speak English!
How does Yiwu market work?
Factories or Yiwu representatives have their cubicles set up inside the market. They sell the products they produce/ represent. The “assistant” is usually a lady they used, who can speak a little English and understands how to use a computer.
In charge usually can’t speak English and only knows a little about foreign trade. Their task is to keep whatever under control. And the “shop assistant” is generally a high school or college graduate, who does not have much understanding about foreign trade.
The stores here attempt their best to show as many products as possible and offer them. To export straight to oversea buyers is not something they more than happy to do, or able to do. Here comes the concern: How to acquire in Yiwu market?
Most of the times, you have to utilize a Yiwu agent? to assist you with all the sourcing activities. They can organize your visit, accompany you to the marketplace to browse, gather orders, do the examination, and finally ship your items.
Representatives typically charge a commission from 1%– 10% of your total purchase worth, according to what you purchase and just how much you buy. >> Yiwu Sourcing Commission
The advantages of using agents:
Undoubtedly, an agent can make things a lot easier for you. Sourcing in Yiwu without an agent is almost a “Difficult Objective”. You have no storage facility to collect your items, no one does an inspection, and no title to ship out your containers.
And representatives can also help you get cheaper costs in some cases. Representatives always have company relationship with suppliers. Because agents help them offer, they purchase a lot from suppliers and suppliers are also willing to provide a discount.
The drawbacks of using representatives:
You might find that practically every agent’s website guarantees WONDERS. A lot of representatives are inexperienced, incapable, have little connections with providers, have no warehouses, tell lies, make mistakes, produce additional expenses, waste time, and select slow cheap container lines …( I’ll try to write another post about how to select a good agent according to my simple experiences later on.).
Come to Yiwu for a visit if possible.
Personally, I would suggest each purchaser have a visit to Yiwu to see products by themselves. This is essential to their company success.
Purchasers understand their market much better than representatives. If they acquire products with agents, there can be lots of miscommunications and time waste. I do not think agents can reveal all the opportunities of this substantial market by emails, phones, talks and live chat.
Buyers can know the reality at some level. They can access information like cost and new arrivals.
Details online or you get from someplace else typically turn to be junked. You spend great deals of time and energy; however, get no positive lead to completion.
Above is just a fast overview of how to purchase in Yiwu market. Of course, you can establish your own purchasing office and even register your own business if your business already set to a particular level. I’ll put on more information about how to purchase in Yiwu later.
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